Friday, December 04, 2009

The Hostess Gift: Forgotten Etiquette?

I don't know about you, but for me the holidays tend to turn into a nonstop party - cocktail parties, cookie swaps, dinner parties, holiday open houses... I can barely keep up with finding enough cute party outfits, let alone remember to thank the hostess! That's right - don't forget your hostess this holiday season! Hostess gifts seems to have gotten lost in the vast shuffle of parties and events, but a little token of thanks is always nice and will most certainly always be appreciated.

You don’t have to break the bank on an extravagant gift - all you need is a little creativity to come up with a fabulous gift. Here are a few simple ideas to get the juices flowing:

Wine - you can never go wrong with bubbly or wine. Trust me, a bottle of wine or sparkling beverage will always be appreciated.

Flowers and plants - Everyone has a favorite flower, color, scent, etc. Take what you know about your hostess, and use that as your bouquet-selecting guide. Your hostess has a green thumb? Easy! Plants are a simple, long-lasting gift that your hostess will be able to enjoy and appreciate for a long time.

Candles- who doesn't love scented candles and potpourri?

Books - Is she a gourmet chef in training? A natural at home decorating? You can never go wrong with a book!

Just remember to keep in mind that you weren't invited because the host wants a gift from you, so don't go overboard. Just a small thank you will be appreciated. It's an extra little something that, amidst all the chaos and busy-ness of the holiday season, will be remembered and appreciated.

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